South Australia Centre for Economic Studies – Report 3: Policy Solutions

On 21 September, the South Australian Centre for Economic Studies released ‘Report 3: Policy Change’. It is the last in a series investigating ‘The Potential Benefits of Reforming Migration Policies to Address South Australia’s needs‘.

Report 3 reviewed some of the economic contexts in which the current system of regulation of labour migration operates in and how they affect South Australia. It identified potential adverse effects and risks that may disadvantage the regional South Australian economy, but also 14 recommendations that will enable migration policy to better enable migration to match employer demand with skills supply – essentially, finding the right people, with the right skills and living in the right place.

Migration Solutions is proud to be associated with the Report, along with key South Australian businesses, and regional development and business associations in South Australia and nationally, including:

  • Thomas Foods International
  • RDA Murraylands and Riviera
  • Shahin Enterprises
  • Local Government Association of SA
  • Education Adelaide
  • The Population Institute of Australia
  • The Urban Development Institute of Australia
  • The Property Council SA
  • BDO Australia

You can read the full report here.

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