Australia’s over-stayers

Last year the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) released information that showed that over 62,000 non-citizens were living unlawfully in Australia as of June 30, 2014.

A breakdown of the numbers revealed that there was 62,100 people who had stayed in Australia after their visas expired. There were 44, 840 of those who were visiting. There were a further 10,060 that were students and 3,770 that were temporary residents.


The table below lists the number of unlawful non-citizens by their country of nationality.

Estimated number of Unlawful Non‐Citizens (UNC) Table:

Country of Citizenship Total
China 7 020
Malaysia 6 980
United States of America 5 240
United Kingdom 3 660
India 3 010
Indonesia 2 860
South Korea 2 690
Philippines 2 370
Vietnam 2 150
Thailand 2 050
Germany 1 460
France 1 340
Japan 1 330
Ireland 1 170
Tonga 1 150
Fiji 990
Canada 990
Nepal 970
Italy 770
Other 13 880
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