Closure of certain Family visas confirmed

Migration Solutions has learned that as per the release of the Federal Budget, applications for Non-contributory Parent, Remaining Relative, Carer and Aged Dependant visas will be ceasing in the near future.

The Department of Immigration and Border Protection is yet to specify the date that applications will no longer be accepted, but says there will be no retrospective implications for those who have already lodged for the visa type.

The official list of affected visa types according to the DIBP website are:

  • Parent visa (subclass 103)
  • Aged Parent visa (subclass 804)
  • Aged Dependent Relative visa (subclasses 114 and 838)
  • Remaining Relative visa (subclasses 115 and 835)
  • Carer visa (subclasses 116 and 836)

Consequently, anyone considering applying for one of the affected visa types is urged to contact Migration Solutions immediately in order to have their application lodged as soon as possible.

The closures follow the Federal Government’s continued emphasis on the Skilled Stream of the migration program.

Anyone with questions regarding the closures is also encouraged to contact Migration Solutions to discuss their options.

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