Greece latest addition to Australian Work and Holiday arrangement

Young Australian and Greek citizens will soon be able to visit and work in each other’s countries, as Greece becomes the latest country to sign a reciprocal work and holiday visa arrangement with Australia.

Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, Scott Morrison, said the signing of the agreement was testament to the close and positive relationship between the countries.

The arrangement will allow up to 500 young adults from both countries to holiday in each other’s country, during which they would able to engage in short-term work or study to supplement their travel.

However Assistant Minister Michaelia Cash said the signing offered more than just an extra holiday destination for young Australians.

“As well as creating an exciting opportunity for young people in both countries to experience life abroad, this arrangement will further enhance the cultural and economic links between the two countries,” she said.

The announcement comes just weeks after Poland was announced as having signed the same agreement with Australia.

The necessary legal and administrative processes required to bring the visa into effect are expected to be ironed out over the coming months.

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