Internship positions slashed for international medical students

Opportunities for international medical students studying in South Australia have been slashed following the release of the 2014/15 Federal Budget, which reduced the number of positions available by 23 places compared to last year.

The reductions mean that many international medical students that have invested around $400,000 in university fees alone to study in Adelaide are unable to complete the final component of their training and become fully-registered medical practitioners.

Migration Solutions learned of the troubling news whilst presenting at the Adelaide University Malaysian Medical Students Association (AUMMSA) Internship Seminar last week.

Migration Solutions Managing Director, Mark Glazbrook has since contacted Education Minister Christopher Pyne to bring the matter to his attention.

“The fact that these international medical students, who have spent the past 4, 5 or 6 years living and studying in Adelaide, are unable to complete their qualification because of these budgetary measures is extremely concerning,” he said.

“These are exactly the type of people we want to be attracting and retaining here in South Australia; highly skilled migrants working in professions that are in heavy demand throughout our state.”

“A number of students told me that had they known about how difficult it would be to find an internship here in Adelaide, they would have chosen to study somewhere else, costing the state millions of dollars in economic expenditure that they contribute over the course of their studies.”

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