New Immigration Minister announced following Federal Cabinet reshuffle

Scott Morrison will no longer be the Federal Minister for Immigration after being assigned to a new portfolio following a significant shake-up of the Federal Government’s Cabinet earlier this week.

Mr Morrison will be the new Federal Minister for Social Services as the Abbott government attempts to crack down on those rorting the unemployment benefit and welfare system.

The new Immigration Minister Peter Dutton, is a long-serving Queensland MP who up until now has been acting as the Federal Minister for Health.

Mr Dutton has already stated that he plans to crack down on illegal permanent residents still residing in Australia, in particular organised criminals and people smugglers born overseas who continue to rort the system.

However Mr Glazbrook says that he anticipates the change in Minister to have minimal influence on immigration policy in the short-term for most Australian visa applicants.

“Fortunately Senator Michaelia Cash will continue to be responsible for the migration program with new Minister Peter Dutton taking over Scott Morrison’s role which was primarily focused on border protection – this will no doubt ensure continuity with the migration program,” he said.

“Senator Cash has been doing a very good job and I am look forward to many exciting developments with the migration program in 2015.”

Mr Glazbrook said despite some disappointing results for South Australia following the independent 457 review, he remained positive about the Government’s stance on immigration.

“Despite glaring omissions to the 457 review with regards to the minimum salary level, the Coalition Governments position on the Australian migration program remains focussed on skills, which is incredibly important.

“I am hopeful that 2015 will see the introduction of an economic migration program and changes to the training visa program to allow international graduates the ability to obtain on the job work experience in Australia upon completion of a trade qualification.”

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