Opposition announce plans to increase numbers of skilled workers, international students to SA

State opposition leader Steven Marshall has announced his party’s ‘Growth Action Agenda’, as South Australia’s attention begins to turn to the upcoming State Election on March 15.

Included in the Agenda is a number of measures designed to increase population growth through the skilled migration program, such as by reducing the waiting times for migrants wishing to settle in SA, greater consultation with businesses in working to identify and address skill shortages within the economy, and replacing the high number of fly-in-fly-out workers with more locally-based positions.

The State Liberal party also plans to increase the State’s meagre 5.5% portion of Australia’s $14 billion international education market, pledging $2 million per year to help grow SA’s international student numbers from 28,000 to 40,000 over the next 10 years.

‘International education is our number one service export market and it needs to be supported as such,’ said Mr Marshall.

‘The more people active in our economy, the better. International students shop, rent, travel, and contribute to CBD vibrancy. This means job creation.

‘Boosting our international student numbers will have a flow-on effect for the construction, retail and tourism industries and the economy as a whole.’

The opposition also plans to do more to entice skilled workers to SA and support them once they’re here, which includes increasing the number of investment migrant visas held in the state.

Labor are yet to announce their immigration policy, which along with economic growth, is shaping up as a key platform for the upcoming political battle.

Similar stories:

‘Population Push’ – Channel 9 News

Immigration policy overhaul – News.com.au

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