SA Hidden Treasures: Kangaroo Island


Kangaroo Island is the first hidden jewel Migration Solutions will be exploring as part of our SA Hidden Treasures series, and is an absolute must-visit destination for migrants.

A private oasis guarded by 509km of breathtaking coastline, Kangaroo Island is Australia’s third-largest island, and is just a short 50-minute ferry ride from the South Australian mainland.

Among its best qualities is the island’s internationally renowned culture for gourmet food and wine, which is owed to the organic produce grown in the island’s rich, fertile soils.

However no meal can be fully enjoyed in anything other than an idyllic setting, and KI certainly delivers on that front as well.

The island boasts a myriad of tranquil locations that are perfect for an unforgettable dining experience, overlooking some of Australia’s most beautiful and undisturbed coastal scenery.

Kangaroo Island is also one of Australia’s largest wildlife sanctuaries, and one which enables visitors to enjoy an up-close and personal experience with unique Australian animals that is difficult to find anywhere else.

Kangaroos, echidnas, seals and koalas are all examples of animals that can be regularly sighted during the numerous wildlife tours on offer, a major drawcard for migrants and tourists.

The island is also home to some of Australia’s most spectacular rock formations, including the incredible Remarkable Rocks and Admiral’s Arch located within the Flinders Chase National Park.

For Migration Solutions Accounts Manager Julie who used to live in the town of Kingscote on Kangaroo Island, it’s the beautiful scenery and serenity that make Kangaroo Island her favourite getaway destination in South Australia.

“I love relaxing on one of the many beautiful beaches and unwinding to the slow pace of the island.  The fishing is great and the wildlife is never too far away.”

“It’s a big island and there’s so much to see, so ideally you’d probably need at least a couple of nights to get around to most of the major attractions.”

Things to Do

  • Hug a Koala at Paul’s Place Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Visit Seal Bay Conservation Park
  • Check out the rock formations around Flinders Chase National Park

Getting There

Drive to Cape Jervis and catch the 50-minute Sealink ferry across to the island. Flight options from Adelaide airport are also available, as well as a number of guided bus tours that leave from the CBD.

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