ACT announces update to Occupations List, Guidelines

The ACT has released an update to its Skilled Occupations List, flagging a number of changes to occupation availability since its initial release earlier this year.

According to the updated list, 118 occupations have recorded a change in status since February.

Also announced are a number of alterations to the Guidelines for ACT nomination of a 190 visa, including the following three major changes:

  • The EOI must now be lodged before applying for ACT nomination; and the record of EOI response attached to the application. The ACT must be selected as the preferred location.
  • Canberra residents are now not required to provide financial information.
  • All pages of the main applicant’s passports are now required. Applicants no longer have to include dependents passports unless requested.

Applicants seeking state sponsorship under the 190 program may wish to inspect the changes, which can be found on the ACT government website.

Anyone with further enquiries is encouraged to contact Migration Solutions for more information.

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