Changes to Section 48 and Regulation 2.12

On the 28th of October the Australian Federal Government made significant and long overdue changes to Regulation 2.12 allowing applications for certain skilled visas to be made in Australia by people affected by Section 48 of the Migration Act. These visas include:

  • Skilled—Nominated (Permanent) (Class SN), subclass 190,
  • Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) (Class PS), subclass 491, and, 
  • Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) (Class PE), subclass 494.

For more information (including when these changes will be introduced) you can read the Federal Register of Legislation – F2021L01483 here.

I know a lot of people have been unfairly and negatively affected and impacted by Section 48 and Covid19 travel restrictions. Migration Solutions is hopeful that our Change.Org campaign and our Section 48 and Regulation 2.12 survey results that we sent to Minister Hawke had a positive influence in the Australian Federal Governments decision to make these very important and long overdue changes.

Thank you to everyone who supported our campaign and completed the Section 48 and Regulation 2.12 survey.

For any help or assistance with preparing an application for a 190, 491 or a 494 visa, please contact Migration Solutions today.

All the best,

Mark Glazbrook, 
CEO, Migration Solutions

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