English language colleges benefit from return of International Students

English-language colleges are enjoying a bumper year as Australia’s international education sector continues it’s resurgence off the back of four years of decline. 

In an article that appeared in The Australian newspaper, peak administrative body English Australia say that college enrolments have skyrocketed over the past 18 months, with up to a 28 per cent increase over the first half of the year, following on from a 27 per cent rise over the second half of 2013.

The boom comes as a result of a weakened Australian dollar, relaxed entry arrangements and the extension of the Streamlined Visa Processing scheme earlier this year.

Australia’s post-study work rights have also been identified as a significant cause of attraction for students, particularly as other countries such as Canada and the UK continue to clamp down on student’s ability to stay and work following their studies.

Unsuprisingly, the enrolments have coincided with the resurgence of Australia’s international education sector over the past year.

Student visa grants were up by approximately 10 per cent on last year’s figures over both the September 2013 and March 2014 quarters, but have flattened out in the most recent figures.

Not sure if this news might have any effect on your visa application? Contact one of our registered migration agents to find out more information.  

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