Financial migration model for a better economy

Australia’s Federal Government Productivity Commission proposed a price-based immigration system on May 1, which would allow migrants to pay their way to immigrate to Australia.

The idea set off alarm bells within business groups and unions, who said tackling skills shortages should be the key focus of Australia’s immigration policy.

Managing Director of Migration Solutions Mark Glazbrook agreed that migration should address skill shortages, yet he said we should have another selective model in place which awards migrants with more capital.


“If migrants are going to invest capital into the Australian economy that is going to stimulate growth and development and create more jobs, they should receive extra points,” Mr Glazbrook said.

With the Department of Immigration and Border Protection releasing its occupation ceiling each year, there is only a limited number of skilled migration visas available.

“There is still going to be a balanced migration program,” he said.

“A program that allows recognition of the potential financial contribution or investment an applicant can make into the Australian economy is more beneficial than one that doesn’t.”

Mr Glazbrook said adding a financial element to the existing program would be a great economic benefit to the country.

To read the Productivity Comission’s price-based immigration proposal click here. 

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