Government axes work experience requirement for RSMS applicants

The Department of Immigration and Border Protection have updated their RSMS visa policy after removing the mandatory two-year work experience requirement in recent times. 

Consequently, international VET sector graduates no longer require two-years full time work experience to apply for a RSMS if they hold a minimum Certificate IV qualification.

Instead, an applicant’s required level of experience is determined by their relevant ANZSCO classification rating – which is specific to their occupation – as it was prior to the policy change in August 2013.

The change follows a recent MRT case which saw a visa refusal  based on the requirement successfully overturned by Migration Solutions.

“This is the biggest change to RSMS policy for a long time,” said Migration Solutions Managing Director, Mark Glazbrook.

“The two-year work experience requirement was an unnecessary requirement that prevented a number of genuine visa applicants from attaining permanent residency in low population growth areas such as South Australia.

“The change is an extremely positive measure that will benefit thousands of international students and local businesses.”

The policy now states:

30.2 AQF Certificate III, IV and Diploma qualifications

If the applicant relies on an Australian qualification, that qualification must be as specified within the ANZSCO framework for that occupation. For example, if the nominated position were that of a cook (ANZSCO 351411), the applicant must:

  •     hold a relevant AQF Certificate IV or
  •     hold a relevant AQF Certificate III including at least two years of on the job training or
  •     have at least 3 years of relevant experience.

If the Certificate III was obtained without the formal on-the-job training component, to satisfy the skill requirement the applicant must have at least 2 years post-qualification experience, obtained on a full time basis or its part-time equivalent. The 2 years of post-qualification experience is taken to be equal to the on-the-job training component. This is to ensure that the qualification is relevant to the tasks of the occupation and that the applicant indeed has the practical skills required to perform the task of the occupation.

Under ANZSCO, there is no requirement of 2 years of on-the-job training for Certificate IV qualifications.

The particular circumstances of each application will be assessed and finally determined on a case-by-case basis by the delegate. When making their assessment, case officers must be mindful that the qualifications and experience of the applicant must be relevant to the tasks to be performed in the nominated occupation.

Unsure of what this change might mean for your visa application? Contact us to arrange a consultation with a registered migration agent to find out more. 

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