Message from the Director

Dear Subscribers,

Hello and welcome to the first edition of Immigration News for 2015!

The Christmas and New Year period is now behind us and the Migration Solutions office has returned to business as usual after a relaxing and well-earned break.

The end of January also marks the closing date for the second round of submissions to the Skilled Migration and Series 400 visa review – a significant audit that is set to shape the direction of the program for the next several decades. You can read more about the importance of this review and my recommended outcomes in our feature articles section below.

I am also pleased to announce that a number of local industry bodies have contributed to our joint submission to the review, which will hopefully bring about improved migration and economic outcomes for South Australia as a result. By presenting a united front to the panel in charge of the review, it is our hope that South Australia and other low population-growth centres will be able to secure much-needed concessions to help make our State a more attractive destination to overseas migrants, and stimulate greater economic activity in our regional areas.

We are also pleased to announce that Migration Solutions has signed up as a corporate partner of AUSVEG SA, the peak body for South Australian vegetable and potato growers. This industry represents around $500 million of revenue to the State’s economy each year, and we are excited to work with both AUSVEG and their members to secure improved migration outcomes for South Australia in the future.

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