Victoria wins the interstate migration battle

On June 25 the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) released their latest figures from 2014, which revealed that Victoria has recorded its highest Net Interstate Migration in over forty years.

Denise Carlton from the ABS said the latest figures from Australian Demographic Statistics for the 2014 December quarter reflected an ongoing trend of increasing population growth for Victoria.

Net interstate Migration (NIM) is the net gain or loss of population through the movement of people from one state or territory to another.

In 2014, Melbourne was voted the world’s most liveable city by the Economist Intelligence Unit, for the fourth year in a row, with Adelaide the next best Australian city ranked fifth.

“Victoria has experienced increasing population growth since 2011, with a net gain of 9,300 people from the rest of Australia in the last year alone,” Ms Carlton said.

While the world’s most liveable city has correlated with population growth for Melbourne, Adelaide was unable to gain a Net Interstate Migration increase.

Flinders Street Station is one of the many attractions in Melbourne.

South Australia recorded a NIM loss of 2,700 people, meaning 2,700 people decided to leave SA and live elsewhere.

By December 31 2014, only Victoria and Queensland recorded net interstate migration (NIM) gains.

Net losses from interstate migration were also recorded in New South Wales (5,600 people), the Northern Territory (3,400 people), the Australian Capital Territory (1,500 people), and Tasmania (1,300 people).

While the population of all states and territories grew over the period, for half of them more people left than arrived from other parts of Australia.

Australia’s total population increased by 330,200 people, to reach 23.6 million by the end of December 2014, a growth rate of 1.4 per cent.

During this time SA’s population increased by 14,800 people.

Overseas migration contributed 184,100 people to the population (14.8 per cent lower than the previous year), and accounted for 56 per cent of Australia’s total population growth.

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