Changes to State Nomination Process

Good news for international graduates looking to apply for a state nominated visa to South Australia, with a number of beneficial modifications made as part of the 2014/15 program year.  

Listed below are the major changes to South Australia’s state nomination criteria and processes.

  • Eligible applicants to receive invitation: Immigration SA will now identify and invite eligible applicants who have submitted an EOI to apply for state nomination using SkillSelect data gathered by the DIBP in a bid to boost skilled migrant numbers in South Australia.
  • Nomination Ceilings: The number of available state nomination places (planning levels) are now calculated at the time of submission rather than time of decision, meaning applications will no longer be refused based on planning levels.
  • New occupations added to South Australian List: A number of new occupations have been added to the South Australian State Nominated Occupation List (SNOL) for the 2014/15 program year. The full list can be seen here.
  • State Nomination Eligibility:  Changes to South Australia’s eligibility requirements have extended rights to those applicants who have:
    – Worked in South Australia for 12 months
    – Have a Bachelor Degree or higher
    – Have a Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualification or higher (under “special conditions apply”)

*N.B. Applicants must still meet DIBP and Immigration SA criteria in order to qualify

  • IELTS English-language requirements: A number of occupations have had their IELTS requirements reduced to six in each band score to match DIBP requirements.  Each occupation’s score requirements are published on the State Occupation List.
  • Work experience waiver requirements: Work experience waiver requirements for international graduates of South Australia are:- Work a minimum of 20 hours per week in a skilled occupation* in South Australia (previously 30 hours per week)
    – Have an IELTS score of 7.5 or 7.0 in each band score
    – Have an occupation listed as ‘available’ on the state occupation list
    – Reside in South Australia

*N.B. PhD or Masters by Research graduates from South Australia can access a work experience waiver for occupations on either list –see the eligibility requirements for further details.

If an occupation requires additional work experience, international graduates of SA are still eligible to apply for state nomination if they are currently working 20 hours per week in South Australia in their nominated occupation or a closely related occupation. 

Anyone seeking further information regarding state nominated visas is encouraged to contact Migration Solutions in order to discuss their visa eligibility options.
Sources: Immigration South Australia (see original)

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